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[-0% Off] برنامج إعداد المدير التنفيذي المحترف Course Coupon

[-0% Off] برنامج إعداد المدير التنفيذي المحترف  Course Coupon


تتميز هذه الدورة التدريبية (برنامج إعداد المدير التنفيذي المحترف) بالقدرة على تطوير المهارات الإدارية العامة والأساسية للمشاركين ، وإعدادهم وتأهيلهم ، ومنحهم المعرفة والمهارات والقدرات القيمة اللازمة للقيادة والإدارة في سوق العمل. سيتعرف المشاركون أيضًا على أنشطة الإدارة الأساسية مثل التخطيط والتنظيم والتنسيق والتحكم والبحث عن الكفاءات الأساسية وتقنيات الإدارة التي يحتاجونها للتطوير المستمر.

سيغطي كيف أصبح التوجيه أسلوبًا إداريًا مهمًا عندما يتعلق الأمر بتحفيز الآخرين ، والتغلب على العقبات وحل مشاكل العمل. سيكتشف المشاركون أيضًا كيفية تحفيز المديرين على تطوير قدرات قيادية مختلفة من أجل الحفاظ على منظمة صحية في سوق عمل تنافسي.

This training course is characterized by the ability to develop the general and basic management skills of the participants, to prepare and qualify them, and to give them valuable knowledge, skills and abilities that are essential for leadership and management in the labor market.

The participants will also learn about basic management activities such as planning, organizing, coordinating, controlling and searching for the core competencies and management techniques they need for continuous development.

It will cover how mentoring has become an important managerial technique when it comes to motivating others, overcoming obstacles and solving work problems. Participants will also discover how to motivate managers to develop various leadership capabilities in order to maintain a healthy organization in a competitive job market.

Training Objectives:

  1. Determining the different jobs and the type of managerial skill associated with each of them.

  2. Develop core managerial competencies to carry out tasks and responsibilities.

  3. Choosing when to use guidance and counseling in order to manage others effectively.

  4. Determine the relationship between temperament and behavior and use it to motivate oneself and others.

  5. Use logical and creative methods to solve problems.

  6. Distinguish between leadership and management to improve overall results.

Training topics:

  • What is meant by a professional manager?

  • What are the duties of professional managers?

  • Professional managers and work ethics.

  • Management is an art or a science?

  • The most influential factor on management performance.

  • Basic administrative functions.

  • The six steps of planning.

  • Administrative styles and competencies.

  • The basic skills of professional managers.

  • Reviewing different management methods.

  • Factors affecting management style.

  • Reasons for the failure of some managers.

  • Professional managers and effective mentoring.

  • Direction or management.

  • Guidance and competencies.

  • Core coaching competencies.

  • How training contributes to the development of the workplace.

  • Management and motivation, the definition of motivation.

  • Motivation theories that professional managers should know.

  • Leadership towards a motivating work environment.

  • Provide feedback on performance.

  • Rewards systems.

  • How to motivate a multicultural workforce.

  • Challenge handling skills.

  • The top ten challenges facing professional managers.

  • Follow the logical method in managing challenges and finding solutions.

  • Business fundamentals that every manager must apply.

  • Management and leadership, the difference between managers and leaders.

  • The leadership qualities that professional managers need to achieve development

  • The nature and roles of the manager’s job.

  • The administrative work environment and its impact on the manager.

  • The manager’s role in achieving the effectiveness of the administrative process.

  • Discover the motives and tendencies of subordinates and ways to deal with them.

  • Planning, organizing, coordinating, and controlling.

  • Managing and motivating employees.

  • Orientation.

  • Leadership and decision making.

  • Creative thinking and problem-solving.

  • Accountability.

  • Dealing with change.

Target Audience:

  • New managers and candidates for the position of Director.

  • Department heads, supervisors, managers and others who need to develop and refine their managerial skills.

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