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[25% Off] How to deal with an upset customer. Course Coupon

[25% Off] How to deal with an upset customer.  Course Coupon


Chances are no matter what business you are in, you will have to deal with a customer who is not happy. You will need  the tools, techniques, and attitude that will turn a dissatisfied patron into a satisfied one.

This course will teach you to pay attention to your dissatisfied customer and to listen to what they are saying and what they truly want. 

It is vitally important that you put yourself in the position of your unhappy client. Was your response to their complaints timely and respectful? Did they feel heard and understood? Were you able to resolve their issue? Has more than one customer brought a similar complaint to you?  Is there a pattern? Do customers always tell the truth about what went wrong?

How or when should you compensate a complaining client? What do they really want? Sometimes an acknowledgment of their concern and apology is all that is needed.

Were the terms of your deal clear to your customer?

When should you take the side of your employee over a customer? Some times the customer is wrong. You will be a hero with your employees if you support a colleague over an abusive customer.

Is it ever a good idea to fire a customer? Sometimes complaining consumers are more trouble than they are worth.

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