![[100% Off] Getting started with SPSS Free Course Coupon [100% Off] Getting started with SPSS Free Course Coupon](https://www.open.edu/openlearn/pluginfile.php/769849/tool_ocwmanage/image/0/dse212_4_cover_iamge_1.jpg)
The aim of this OpenLearn course is to provide a step-by-step introduction to some of the most commonly used statistics in the social sciences, and the computer programme we use to carry out these analyses: SPSS. This tutorial is aimed at students who are both new to statistics, and new to the software package SPSS.
For many students statistics represent an area that they are concerned about, either because they have had little experience of statistics before, or due to concerns over the mathematics that might be involved. These interactive videos are designed to help you familiarise yourself with the basic statistics that you are likely to use as part of your course and reduce any anxieties you may have about studying and using statistics.
The good news is that these days, when we carry out statistics in social science, very little of it is done by hand. Instead, we use a computer programme to do most of the hard work for us. The most common computer software that we use for carrying out statistics in the social sciences is the aptly named: Statistical Package for the Social Sciences or SPSS. But while using SPSS may help to cut down the amount of maths and calculations that you have to do by hand, it can sometimes add another layer of complexity to learning statistics
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