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[87% Off] Mastering Selenium, Java and TestNG Automation Testing Course Coupon

[87% Off] Mastering Selenium, Java and TestNG Automation Testing  Course Coupon


This comprehensive Selenium WebDriver course covers a wide range of topics, including setting up development environments, Java programming fundamentals, intermediate and advanced Java concepts, working with data in Java, TestNG testing framework deep-dive, web automation with Selenium, logging using Log4j/SLF4j, reporting using Allure, building automation framework with best in industry software coding and architectural practices, running automation tests on Jenkins server, and more.

Key Features Of This Course:

  • Hands-On Practice with Starter Kits​

    • For every coding section of this course, you’ll be provided with a starter and finished Java source code kit, which can be used for interactive coding during the video lessons.

    • A total of 36 source code kits, comprising both starter and finished versions, will be made available to enhance your coding lectures throughout the course. These thoughtfully designed starter kits offer a valuable advantage by providing a solid foundation, enabling you to concentrate on the subject matter covered in each section. Conversely, the finished kits serve as invaluable resources, offering feedback and solutions to assist you in overcoming any obstacles encountered during your coding.

  • Build Automation Framework From Scratch

    • We’ll construct a robust and adaptable LIVE ReactJS web application automation framework. This framework will be meticulously designed, considering extensibility, scalability, and architectural integrity. It will serve as a valuable foundation that can be effortlessly customized to suit your requirements for future web projects throughout your professional journey.

    • You will be provided with an HTML playground specifically designed for Selenium testing. The playground offers ample opportunities to practice and experiment with various Selenium testing techniques, allowing you to sharpen your skills effectively during the course.

  • Course Built with Latest Technologies. Year 2023 Ready!

    • This course is built using the latest technologies from the year 2023.

    • You’ll be working with Java (JDK 17), Maven, TestNG, and recent Selenium WebDriver libraries and using IntelliJ IDEA IDE for development in this course.

  • Multi-Platform Source Code Compatibility

    • All source codes demonstrated in this course will be made available to you.

    • The source code implementations showcased in this course will be fully compatible with contemporary Windows 8/10/11, Linux (specifically Ubuntu), and macOS operating systems, including support for M1/M2 arm processors.

Summary of Topic Covered In This Course:

  • Setting Up Development Environments

    • Learn how to set up Windows, Linux, and macOS development environments.

    • Create a Maven project in IntelliJ IDEA IDE.

  • Java Programming Fundamentals

    • Gain knowledge of Java programming fundamentals, including object-oriented programming, arithmetic, unary, equality/relational, conditional operators, flow/loop statements, and I/O operations.

  • Intermediate and Advanced Java Concepts

    • Dive into intermediate and advanced concepts in Java programming, such as collections, generics, functional programming.

  • Working with Data in Java

    • Learn to work with data in Java, using different formats like Text, CSV, Excel, and PDF files.

    • Utilize JDBC to access an SQLite database.

  • TestNG Testing Framework

    • Master TestNG annotations, XML-based configuration, parameterized tests, data-driven tests, grouping, listeners, parallel testing, dependency testing, and dependency injection.

    • Configure logging for TestNG tests with listeners, reporters, custom loggers, and popular logging libraries like Log4j2 and SLF4J.

    • Use TestNG XML to generate HTML reports, explore external reporting libraries, and understand the Allure Framework for test automation reporting.

  • Web Automation with Selenium APIs

    • Gain a solid foundation in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, automation best practices, identifying and utilizing Selenium locators, wait methods, and browser interactions.

    • Understand Selenium internals, components, architectures, and testing in multiple environments.

    • Learn about Selenium Grid‘s components, advantages, caveats, and API endpoints.

    • Acquire strategies for planning and developing real-world test scenarios, page objects, controls, data table control implementation, authentication framework, and application bootstrapping.

  • LIVE Project and HTML Playground for Selenium

    • Develop automated tests with PageObject class implementations, data providers, and test authoring techniques.

    • Build Selenium & TestNG automation framework from scratch for a LIVE Web application with cross-browser, parallel, multiple-environment, and localization testing support.

    • Utilize the HTML playground setup for practicing Selenium WebDriver APIs.

    • Implement four end-to-end Selenium UI automation tests with the framework implemented from scratch.

  • Setting Up Jenkins Server

    • Set up and utilize a Jenkins server for automated testing.

    • Install plugins, configure agents, create and run jobs using UI, and by writing Jenkinsfile.

  • Strategies for DatePicker Controls in Selenium

    • Learn strategies and best practices for working with DatePicker controls in Selenium, including implementation approaches.

How This Course Can Accelerate Your Testing Success:

  1. Struggling to set up your development environment for Selenium Java and TestNG automation? Learn the step-by-step process to configure your development environment, including setting up dependencies, IDE configurations, and project structure, so you can hit the ground running.

  2. Want to take your TestNG skills to the next level? Dive deep into the advanced features and functionalities of the TestNG testing framework and harness its full potential for robust and scalable test automation.

  3. Are you tired of manually managing test data? Explore the power of data-driven testing with Selenium Java and TestNG, and learn how to build data-driven tests for efficient and scalable automation.

  4. How much time have you wasted figuring out the best practices for implementing an automation framework? Fast-track your progress with our comprehensive course, where we share battle-tested practices to save you time and effort.

  5. Does tracking and debugging issues in your automation tests feel like searching for a needle in a haystack? Dive into the world of logging integration (log4j2, SLF4j) with Selenium Java and TestNG, and gain visibility into test execution to identify and resolve errors quickly.

  6. Are you struggling to generate insightful test reports that integrate seamlessly with your automation tests? Discover the secrets to integrating robust reporting frameworks (Allure Reports) with Selenium Java and TestNG, and gain valuable insights for effective test analysis.

  7. Are your test suites taking too long to execute? Unlock the power of parallel testing with TestNG and dramatically speed up your testing cycles without compromising quality.

  8. Are cross-browser compatibility issues causing headaches in your automation testing? Discover the secrets to seamless cross-browser testing and ensure your web applications work flawlessly on Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and Safari.

  9. Is localization testing a challenge in your automation testing efforts? Learn the best practices for automated testing of your applications in different languages, cultures, and regions, and deliver a truly global user experience.

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