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[78% Off] 財富思維認知破局 Thinking and Cognition Breakthrough Course Coupon

[78% Off] 財富思維認知破局 Thinking and Cognition Breakthrough  Course Coupon


This is a bilingual subtitled course, including Simplified Chinese and English.


Do you wanna get richer and richer?Do you ever explore the reasons of these questions?

  • Why do some people succeed easily while others work hard but still achieve little?

  • Why do some people with low incomes buy cars and houses while others who earn a lot of salary but have no savings?

  • Why do some people fail in business but make a comeback after a while?

  • Why do some people succeed by luck but are quickly beaten back to the origin?

    Making money is not difficult, the difficult thing is to first establish awareness of wealth!


  • 為什麼有的人很容易成功,而有的人努力奮鬥卻收效甚微?

  • 為什麼有的人收入低卻買車買房,而有的人薪水高卻沒有積蓄?

  • 為什麼有的人創業失敗,但一段時間後又東山再起?

  • 為什麼有的人僥倖成功卻很快又被打回原點?


This Lecture: “Thinking and Cognition Breakthrough” from teacher Heng Yang aims to give you a guideline to think and act as bigwigs, improve your cognitive level, open up the your business horizon, and accelerate personal treasure growth.

Change cognition first, then change the status quo. The way of thinking changes all your behavioral results. The behavioral results ultimately determine your personal gains.


先改變認知,再改變現狀。 思考方式會改變你所有的行為結果。 行為結果最終決定你的個人收穫。

Suitable For:

Small and medium-sized business owners, self-employed entrepreneurs, corporate executives, and ordinary people who want to get promoted and break through their social circles.


You may have been engaged in business-related work and are very familiar with some of them and a little unfamiliar with some of them, so we welcome you very much.你可能從事過商業相關,對其中一些特別熟,對一些有點陌生,那我們非常很歡迎你。

If you have experience with them all, you’re welcome too.如果你對全部都有經驗,那我們也很歡迎你。

If you have no business knowledge at all, then we still welcome you! 如果你是完全沒有商業認知,那我們更歡迎你!

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