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[25% Off] Assessment Is Decisive (A.I.D.) Course Coupon

[25% Off] Assessment Is Decisive (A.I.D.)  Course Coupon


In this course you will learn over 70 techniques to help improve your class teaching. The course gives tips on how to effectively deliver summative assessment before moving on to explain the relationship between formative and summative assessment. The better we embed AFL the higher our student grades!

This course will help your sharpen your educational axe by becoming masters at crafting lesson intentions, by giving you an understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of self-assessment, and by developing in you an an expert awareness of just why peer assessment is so powerful. It will equip you with a range of rich questioning techniques and offer thoughts on oral feedback. You will walk away with plenty of real world examples of how to improve your written feedback. All of this is grounded in up to date pedagogy and delivered by a real and experienced teacher who knows how busy those in our profession are and who has made a course which will have a huge impact on your classroom teaching. The course is designed for expert and new teachers alike.

Amongst other things you will learn C3B4ME, two stars and a wish, DIRT, how to use a mini-whiteboard effectively, why baby socks are a must for any AFL classroom, ways to cold call, why gold envelopes are awesome, pose-pause-pounce-bounce, how to avoid ‘wallpaper objectives’, thinking thumbs, why oral feedback must be credible, the importance of playing cards and lollipop sticks, how to ensure there are no opt-outs in your classroom, why red herrings are great, voting spectrums, fist to 5, ABCD cards, paper cups, CREAM, revision o’clock … and loads more besides.

Above all this course will make teaching a little easier for you by setting you up to embed Assessment for Learning into your lessons habitually.

It is designed for schools to use during in-service training (INSET) as well as for individual teachers wishing to hone their continuing professional development.

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