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[25% Off] Agile Scrum for Beginners Course Coupon

[25% Off] Agile Scrum for Beginners  Course Coupon


This course will provide you with the essential knowledge and techniques to successfully perform in any Scrum-related role or environment.

It is ideal for those who may be involved in a Scrum initiative for the first time and who need to be immediately effective, or ‘traditional’ Project Managers who wish to learn about alternative agile-based approaches to product delivery in order to widen their range of skills, capabilities and employment prospects.

The agile-based approach is covered in depth, and compared and contrasted with more traditional, waterfall-type project management in order to clearly highlight the benefits associated with iterative, incremental Product delivery.

A pragmatic, step-by-step approach is taken throughout the course in order that the student can quickly understand and subsequently utilise core Scrum concepts. All key processes, roles, artifacts and events are first explained to provide a foundational knowledge and understanding, and then incorporated in an example project that takes the student through all key stages of a Scrum initiative.

Throughout the course, ‘real-world’ behaviour and practises are highlighted to prepare students for what they might encounter in the business world, and enable them to adapt as required.

Quizzes are included throughout to test your knowledge, and on finishing the course, you will also receive a Certificate of Completion.

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