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[100% Off] Soildwork simulation || تحليل الاجهادات الميكانيكية Free Course Coupon

[100% Off] Soildwork simulation || تحليل الاجهادات الميكانيكية  Free  Course Coupon



•Definition design

•Design process

  1. Static

  2. Normal Stresses(tension,Compression, Bendind,shear stresses)

  3. CFD

  4. Drag force pressur

•Different between force strength stress

•Type of Load

  1.   Loads

  2.   Torque

  3.   Gravity

  4.   Pressure

  5.   Centrifugal force

  6. Tensile force قوى الشد

  7. Compression force قوة الضغط

  8. Shear القص

  9. Torsion الثني

  10. Bending الانحناء

  11. Impact loadالتصادم

  12. Weight load الوزن


-Stress analysis steps

  1. build three-dimensional model of the part

  2. create «Study».

  3. define more the material

  4. generate finite element mesh

  5. apply boundary conditions reflecting the essence of the physical phenomenon being analysed (restraints, loads)

  6. run calculations

-Type of meshing

-solid mesh

1-first order draft quality

2- second order high quality

-shell mech

-Different between mass and weight

-stress–strain curve
Elastic Limit
Yield Point
Ultimate Stress Point
Fracture or Breaking Point

-Fixtures  :التثبيتات

  • Fixed geometry

  • Roller

  • Symmetry

  • Elastic support

  • Cyclic symmetry

  • Bearing Fixture

  • On cylindrical face

  • In spherical face

  • Reference geometry

  • On flat face

  • Hinge


-Stress analysis steps

  1. build three-dimensional model of the part

  2. create «Study».

  3. define more the material

  4. generate finite element mesh

  5. apply boundary conditions reflecting the essence of the physical phenomenon being analysed (restraints, loads)

  6. run calculations

-Type of meshing كيفية عمل التقسيم الشبكي ومعرفة اهم القواعد الخاصه به Mesh Methods

-solid mesh

1-first order draft quality

2- second order high quality

-shell mech

-Different between mass and weight

-stress–strain curve
Elastic Limit
Yield Point
Ultimate Stress Point
Fracture or Breaking Point

-Gears Analysis

-Connectors الوصلات

  1. Edge weld وصلات اللحام

  2. المسامير Bolt – Pin

  3. Bearing

  4. Spring

Results استعراض النواتج ودراستها

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