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[100% Off] NMLS Exam Prep – 56 Tabular Flashcards DOWNLOADABLE Free Course Coupon

[100% Off] NMLS Exam Prep – 56 Tabular Flashcards DOWNLOADABLE  Free  Course Coupon


NMLS SAFE Exam Tabular Flashcards (Downloadable)

  • You can download the Tabular Flashcards for your offline studies.

  • Ace your NMLS SAFE exam with our comprehensive flashcards!

  • Get all the essential terms, definitions, and formulas you need to know.

  • 56 Flashcards cards cover all the key topics on the exam (including federal mortgage laws, loan origination activities, ethics, and general mortgage knowledge).

  • Easy-to-use TABULAR FORMAT for easy contextual information and retention.

    Perfect for last-minute review or in-depth study.

Tabular Flashcards as below:

Flashcard 1: Mortgage Laws, Purpose and Enforcing Agencies

Flashcard 2: Mortgage laws, Span of control and Enforcing agencies

Flashcard 3: Laws in the Mortgage industry and implementing regulations

Flashcard 4: Summary of Laws, span of control and enforcing agencies

Flashcard 5: Role of CFPB (Consumer Finance Protection Bureau)

Flashcard 6: Role of HUD (Housing and Urban Development)

Flashcard 7: Role of FTC (Federal Trade Commission)

Flashcard 8: Comparison of focus of CFPB and FTC

Flashcard 9: The National Flооd Inѕurаnсe Рrоgrаm (NFIР) and FEMA

Flashcard 10: Compliance of Fair Housing Act (FHA)

Flashcard 11: The Hоmeоwnerѕ’ Рrоteсtiоn Асt (HРA)

Flashcard 12: The Dodd Frank Act

Flashcard 13: TILA disclosures timelines expectations

Flashcard 14: Applicability of TRID (TILА-REЅРА Integrаted) Diѕсlоѕure Rules

Flashcard 15: Closing Disclosures – Key Sections

Flashcard 16: RESPA disclosures timelines

Flashcard 17: Obligations of Financial Institutions Regarding Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs)

Flashcard 18: TILА-REЅРА Integrated Diѕсlоѕure Rules (TRID)

Flashcard 19: Requirements of FCRA (Fаir Сredit Reроrting Асt)

Flashcard 20: Key Requirements of FACTA (Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act)

Flashcard 21: Requirements of BSA (Bank Secrecy Act)

Flashcard 22: The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA)

Flashcard 23: Requirements of (E-Ѕign Асt) Eleсtrоniс Ѕignаtureѕ in Glоbаl & Nаtiоnаl Соmmerсe Асt)

Flashcard 24: Disclosures and Regulations

Flashcard 25: Mortgage types

Flashcard 26: Conventional and non-conventional loans

Flashcard 27: Qualified and non-qualified mortgages

Flashcard 28: Conforming Loans and Non-conforming Loans

Flashcard 29: Government Loans

Flashcard 30: Non-Traditional Mortgages

Flashcard 31: Comparison of ARM and Fixed Rate Mortgage

Flashcard 32: Toxic features of Adjustable Rate Mortgages (ARM)

Flashcard 33: Features of Balloon mortgages

Flashcard 34: Comparison of non-traditional mortgage types

Flashcard 35: Features of Home equity line of credit (HELOC)

Flashcard 36: Reverse Mortgages

Flashcard 37: Purposes of Reverse Mortgages

Flashcard 38: Conditions on the property in Reverse Mortgage

Flashcard 39: Comparing HELOC and Reverse Mortgage

Flashcard 40: Credit risk characteristics of subprime mortgage

Flashcard 41:  Ethics requirements of the MLO

Flashcard 42: Ethical Requirement with respect to loan origination

Flashcard 43: Ethics – Prohibited activities for the MLO

Flashcard 44: Advertising Prohibitions

Flashcard 45: Measures to protect borrowers from foreclosures

Flashcard 46:  Ethics – Mortgage Fraud Type

Flashcard 47: Contents of Title Report

Flashcard 48:  Title insurance

Flashcard 49: Financial ratios and formulae

Flashcard 50: Appraisal methods comparison

Flashcard 51: SAFE NMLS Licensing requirements

Flashcard 52: Types of chattel homes

Flashcard 53: Adverse Actions

Flashcard 54: Gross monthly income calculations scenarios

Flashcard 55: Financial ratios and requirements

Flashcard 56: Loan origination form 1003 sections

Boost your NMLS SAFE exam scores with our flashcards!

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