In this course, you will learn the financial modeling for automobile sector (India Focused). We have taken the company Maruti Suzuki for all forecasting and modeling purpose. A financial model is a versatile tool used across different areas of finance, such as Equity Research, Investment Banking, and Credit Research. We can create it for various scenarios, including:
Company valuation (using DCF valuation and Relative valuation)
IPO evaluation
M&A analysis (using an M&A Model)
Project evaluation (also known as project finance modeling)
Startup planning
Strategic decision-making and expansion.
Financial models are usually built by finance professionals specializing in different areas of finance, like investment banking, equity research, credit research, risk analysis, and portfolio management. Investment bankers and financial analysts use financial models to evaluate potential investments and determine the best course of action. Equity research analysts use financial models to evaluate the financial performance of companies and their stocks. Credit research analysts use financial models to assess companies’ creditworthiness and ability to repay debt. Risk analysts use financial models to assess the risk associated with investments and financial decisions. Investors and portfolio managers use financial models to decide which investments to include. Other finance professionals, such as CFOs (Chief Financial Officers), accountants, and financial consultants, also create financial models to support decision-making and planning.
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