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[-0% Off] Forensic Crash Investigation according to the IBF Protocol Course Coupon

[-0% Off] Forensic Crash Investigation according to the IBF Protocol  Course Coupon


Stanley Bezuidenhout is a Road Traffic Reconstructionist and Risk Analyst with IBF Investigations (Pty) Ltd and LLC – his own company, operating all over South Africa and into the rest of Africa, with an office in the USA. With experience at thousands of scenes all over South Africa and abroad since 2000, Stan has established himself as a leader and innovator in his field.

His experience with the investigation and reconstruction of collisions and testimony in matters for private clients, the Road Accident Fund of South Africa, the Insurance Industry, and Heavy Commercial Transport Sector, and as a Specialist Reservist in the South African Police Service shaped his unique methods.

Always the innovator, Stan developed a special 124-point protocol for the complete and detailed at-scene or post-event investigation of road traffic collisions and this protocol has earned him praise from the courts, his clients, and his peers alike.

With this course, Stan is sharing the most important parts of his protocol to enable you to be an informed investigator, collecting All the Evidence.

With so much road carnage in South Africa, it is now more important for road users to make informed decisions!

Doing so requires the correct decisions before they embark on their journey, safe driving techniques while driving and effective response to an emergency and a road crash.

This very informative guide will help the victim of a road crash with the correct response and make the right decisions once in a road crash and offers great advice in crash avoidance and a post-crash response that are both fair and within the parameters of the law!

We would like to extend a word of appreciation to Stan Bezuidenhout to release this to all road users and urge them to keep a copy in their vehicles!

Adv. Johan Jonck – Arrive Alive.

Through the online training, you will be able to receive your training with the following very specific enhancements and benefits:

· Video Presentations based on real-world and classroom locations.

· Visual and relevant examples, presentations, and resources.

· The ability to direct questions, for clarification.

· The ability to learn anywhere, anytime, and on any platform.

· No need to travel – the training goes wherever you go.

· Downloadable resources.

· On-line certification.

· Immediate receipt of your certificate for your course.

· The ability to go back and re-learn anything already covered.

The fact remains that online training is the future of education – especially as we have seen in 2020, under the continued influence of the COVID-19 Pandemic.

With socio-political issues like lockdowns, service protests, class disruptions, and limited spaces in physical institutions, accompanied by the high cost of dedicated facilities, this is a learning platform that is designed specifically to benefit all delegates.

Upon completion of this course, the following outcomes will be achieved by each successful candidate:

· Consider, select, and purchase basic equipment needed for crash investigation.

· Understand when, how, and why to mark the position of vehicles on crash scenes.

· Photograph crash scenes under a variety of conditions, using camera features.

· Receive an emergency call or make one and optimize information exchange.

· Collect the correct information from drivers, witnesses, passengers, and victims.

· Arrive at, properly introduce themselves, gain access and proceed with the investigation.

· Interact with emergency services present and work around them without interference.

· Photograph vehicular evidence, covering the most important aspects for each type.

· Gather additional photographic evidence at- of- and around the scene and area.

Any person who is involved in, who might be involved in, who must manage, or who is exposed to road traffic collisions – in a personal, official, technical, operational, or legal capacity – could benefit from this training. Whether you are preparing to report a collision to the police, claim against a third party, defend yourself against a claim, contribute in a criminal or civil trial, cross-examine a witness, or consider evidence, this course is an excellent foundation.

The course could benefit:

· Police, Sheriff, Trooper, METRO Police, and Traffic Officers.

· Medical-, Fire- and Rescue Workers.

· Insurance Loss Adjusters.

· Crash Reconstruction Specialists.

· Collision Investigators.

· Internal Investigators.

· Transport Executives.

· Private Investigators.

· Depot Managers.

· Fleet Managers.

· Safety Officers.

· Prosecutors and District Attorneys.

· Magistrates and Judges.

· Attorneys and Advocates.

While it is true that costs are directly affected by the number of students attending, the profile and schedule of the instructor, the cost of facilities, transport, accommodation, and often equipment or books all conspire to increase those costs, our online model ensures that your investment is directly linked to the actual information and education you receive while you can revisit and re-write as many times as you like, within the same cost of the course.

In addition – because you do not have to take time off work specifically because you don’t need to apply for leave, travel to a major center, book into a hotel, or hire a car to get to and from classes – you also do not have to attend classes only during office hours.

Online training also means that you can learn at your own pace, take as many or few breaks as you see fit, get all questions answered in confidence, and lose no productivity at work, while you are in a classroom environment.

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